Spread Truth is a nonprofit organization passionate about making the Gospel available to everyone, everywhere all around the world.
There are many stories in the Bible - and they aren't a series of unrelated events and happenings, they actually tell one big, true story. The Story presents an overview of the amazing account of God's creation of the world, man's disobedience, God's rescue plan, and ultimately the total restoration of His creation. This is both for the believer (being equipped with the film/app to share the gospel more clearly) and the unbeliever (exposing them to the full narrative of scripture).
MORE ABOUT THE STORY VIEW LIVE DASHBOARDMore than 157 million Americans are expected to celebrate Halloween this year—41 million of them are
Posted 6 years ago
Did you know your gospel impact reaches into Cuba?! Cuba is a communist-ruled country with a population
Posted 6 years ago
On April 20, we had an exciting opportunity to be part of David Platt’s Radical / Secret Church event.
Posted 6 years ago
A new animated children’s film to share the Gospel story.